Cooperation for effective policies and creating a network of youth leaders(2008-2009)
Project contractor: ISI, Association "Responsibility" and Association "4th February”
Partners: Association "Responsibility" and Association "4th February”
Implementation period: August 2008 - January 2009
Source of funding: State Agency for Youth and Sports
The main objective of the project is to stimulate the establishing of a new political culture of the younger generation through non-formal education. In order to participate, young leaders, representatives of all districts in northern Bulgaria, are being selected through competition, but at least half of them should be from small towns.
The project has set is objectives as follows: through non-formal education, to train 30 young leaders on developing policies and projects, the participants being representatives of all districts in northern Bulgaria, who later to intensify their work with their peers, creating a network of youth NGOs for joint projects and civic activities of at least four small municipalities in Northern Bulgaria; creating a "new generation" of youth leaders – responsible, professional, open to dialogues and able to work in a network, who could use a reasonable approach in the implementation of social commitments and in defending public interests of young people in small towns.
In recent years, there has been a "withdrawal" of young people from the country toowards the capital or the regional cities. On one hand, young people from small towns have less access to information on youth policies, and on the other – they lack the culture and motivation to associate and work together with local authorities.
Sustainability of the results:
- Active newly established network of youth leaders; planning future projects and activities of the established network.
- Know-how of teaching; interactive learning "Training through experience", and a successful model for teamwork with large and small groups of participants for developing solutions to problems of wide public interest as well as public policy ideas. |