Conference "The 2011 elections in Bulgaria - the defects of democracy" (2011)
Project contractors: ISI and the Institute of Modern Politics (IMP)
Implementation period: December 2011
Source of funding: ISI
Conference "The 2011 elections in Bulgaria - the defects of democracy "was held on December 19, 2011, in hotel" Sheraton ", "Sredets" Hall.
It was attended by Katya Koleva, Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Social Integration (ISI); Borislav Tsekov, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Modern Politics (IMP) as well as by MPs from different parliamentary groups.
The discussion took place in two panels:
Panel 1 - "Election Law." Introductory topics were: "The questions in the Election Code" by Veronica Delibaltova, a lawyer and member of the working group of ISI to analyze the electoral law; and "Election Code and human rights standards" by Zdravka Krasteva, Program Director of IMP and Professor at the Law Faculty of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
Panel 2 - "What did the elections show?" with introductory topics: "Analysis of the election violations" by Ivilina Alexieva, Executive Director of IMP; the website "For Fair Elections" - Internet tool for civil monitoring, presented by Antoaneta Tsoneva, Chairman of the Institute for Public Environment Development; “The participants in the election day" by Plamen Petkov, Association of Young Lawyers and observer in Vratsa - Sliven – Plovdiv; and "Election Day - media and influence" by Stoyan Mirchev, Institute for Social Integration and an observer.